David Harrison Ferrell's orange brand with the logo resembling a scribble on the left.
Branding, Exhibition Design, Experience Design, Publishing, UI - 2017

A clear-cut project focused on emerging technologies and Human-Computer Interaction, that specifically employs Virtual and Augmented Realities and iBeacons. Interactivity, engagement, and experience are key.

Credit also goes to: Matteo Archondis, Giada Gaianigo, Alberto Gaspari and Nicole Mottin.

The Miniere Far brand was designed taking into account the mine's structural elements as well as values and keywords that were most important to the museum: adventure, metal, tradition, specificity of the surrounding territory, and the historical and cultural heritage. The values were then synthesized into three main concepts that were enclosed within the final proposal and visually represented as three horizontal lines: Ferro (metal), Folklore, and Fursil. The brand's naming, based on a storytelling and fairytale concept, intends to send the visitor on an experiential journey through the discovery of the territory's legends.

Dark blue Miniere Far brand on light grey background.

The brand was then applied to a Corporate Identity and on a line of gadgets thought to be both useful for the visitors and sellable in the integrated Far Mines shop. Modern-day web and social applicability was also considered.

Miniere Far-branded business card front and back with integrated bottle opener on grey background.Miniere Far-branded stationery on grey background.Three Miniere Far advertisement posters on city backgrounds.Miniere Far-branded side and back bus design.Miniere Far-branded side and back company van design on white background.Black Miniere Far hoodie with three white lines in the center on light grey background.Miniere Far responsive website UI design on white background.Three Miniere Far social media hashtag cutout frames representing the Dolomite mountains on a mountain background.

The internal and external exhibition design concept was ideated with the production and fabrication of a 1:20 wooden and plywood scale model of the establishment. Modern-day technology was considered both internally and externally through the use of Virtual and Augmented Reality, iBeacons and interactive maps.

Miniere Far exhibition design scale model.
Miniere Far interior exhibition design scale model.Miniere Far interior exhibition design scale model, view from first floor.Miniere Far interior exhibition design scale model, details of the technological installations.

The keywords visually represented as three horizontal lines were also applied to the monograph editorial product through the ideation of a metal covering that leaves the reader’s fingerprints visible, representing a relationship that is established between the reader and the editorial product.

Miniere Far closed exhibition book on light grey background.Miniere Far open exhibition book on light grey background.

To facilitate the visitors’ orientation, a wayfinding strategy was ideated both internally and externally.

Miniere Far staircase wayfinding.Miniere Far external wayfinding cubes on light grey background.Miniere Far-branded wayfinding rollups on yellow background.