David Harrison Ferrell's orange brand with the logo resembling a scribble on the left.
Motion Graphic - 2017

A concept can be expressed by using less. Most of the time I like to be bold and extravagant when I express an idea, but this motion graphic needed a simple, minimalistic means of expression to reach the target group of eighteen-and-up year olds. Just as Ludwig Mies van der Rohe taught us: “Less is more”.

The main topic that the motion graphic aims to talk about is smartphone addiction. After having identified the target group to whom the message had to communicate (eighteen and up), the means of transmission came through clearly: a TV commercial. Initially, a visualization wheel was created to orientate the storytelling process.

Phono Sapiens visualization wheel for motion graphic design.

A minimal look was given to relax the viewers’ eyes given that the specific target group continuously bombarded with images and sounds. A techy music was added to boost customer attention and the use of a voice was chosen to help users relate to the message while maintaining the minimalistic feel.